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Kichler's TE Series of tape light extruded channels can be mitered into desired sizes or angles, then reconnected into unique configurations utilizing a connector accessory or bracket. This 120-degree connector joins channels with pre-trimmed ends at their top or bottom to form a 120-degree angle.This connector joins Kichler tape light channels at a 120-degree angle, perfect for continuing your system around wide corners
Offering a small profile, standard size screws (no specialty tools) and clear material for a connections that lasts.
What's in the box: connector, (4) screws, allen wrench, instruction sheet
Also available in a 90 degree horizontal, 90 degree vertical, or straight orientation
Recommended for use with
Kichler tape lighting only
Constructed of unfinished steel
Cleaning Instructions: wipe with a damp cloth, no chemicals or soap should be used. Suitable for dry indoor locations
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