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This 1 Light Hanging Mini Pendant From The Caterham(Tm) Collection Is Both Versatile And Charming. The Satin Etched Glass Shade Rests Beautifully Against The Rich Olde Bronze Finish.
As we expand our use of the exterior and make greater use of three-season rooms, it has become increasingly important to find lighting that will function in these damp areas. Caterham has been created as a full, damp location rated family. The wall sconce is even listed for wet locations! While this product is safety tested for wet and damp locations and the material is Zinc chromate with power coated Olde Bronze over the top, this would mean nothing if the design was not relevant and desirable. That is not the case here. The Mission styling is exemplified by the satin etched cased opal, elongated square glass shades. The glass pierces through the top of the square or rectangular upper plates, but on each, the top is solid, again to prevent water penetration. A square chandelier, two sizes of linear chandeliers, a mini pendant, sconce and semi-flush design are available, perfect for most any exterior or even interior application.
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